We Think Software Should Be Efficient To Use, Easy To Learn And Satisfying To Work With. We Assess Our ERP Software And Any New Features Against That Idea Every Single Day.
System covers all business for construction companies such as Accounting, Projects, Sub-Contractors, Purchases, Customers, Assets, Suppliers, Cost Center, … and with just a click, you can generate your bills of quantity or follow up its payment and retention.
Once you have your workflow type set, and your goal list added you can begin adding actions to your workflow. Actions are the individual functions that execute as part of your workflow, such as wait for financial management approval before issuing LPO, sending an email, adding a delay between actions and rotating leads to your engineer's team.
One of the current challenges in the field of building construction is the integration and cooperation among all departments, The Professional® ERP Construction System enables you to bring your team together through its integration features. our system brings the accounting, designers, engineers and project managers together in one platform.
The Professional® ERP Construction system allows construction firms to track and analyze their bid. They can also integrate project estimates to keep track of the changes made across the estimating process. And when it comes to evaluating vendors, they can define exclusions and inclusions, and automate the selection process.
The Professional® ERP Construction system is easy to use, fully integrated with the other modules which automates and streamlines your entire financial transactions. Our Software provides providing you with real-time data on projects cost with high financial intelligibility by delivering accurate data and restricting unauthorized access to crucial financial information.
The Fixed Asset Module integrated with finance, is a fully automated, easy to use solution to track asset performance Over the life cycle, from purchase to end of life and generate powerful reports detailing asset history and asset performance.
System simplify and integrate your human capital management processes to drive better business results and engage your people. Create your own payroll heads, specify your own formulae and organize into multiple payroll structures. The flexibility and power of the payroll software allows you to be fully in control.
System supports multi location. So you can work from any office… System generates Cost Centers No. for each Branch/Project/Sister Company so accounts can print Separate Balance sheet, or Compound Balance sheet… Nothing more professional than this!
The Professional® ERP Construction System support Multi languages English, Arabic and you can add other languages (French, Urdu …) user can use his language and print report by other languages!
We in NabaSoftoware make sure to present full integration solutions that support multi languages using the latest techniques. We make sure to simplify the user’s work and commit ourselves with after sale services ...
Watch next video for a quick idea about The Professional® ERP Construction system